a pair of earphones on a desk

Bible Talks

You can find many of our talks below, and also via our YouTube channel.


6. It's like a king's banquet

08 September 2019

Series: Tell us about the Kingdom! | Speaker: Andy Brewerton | Passage: Matthew 22:1-14


5. It's like a generous landowner

01 September 2019

Series: Tell us about the Kingdom! | Speaker: Andy Brewerton | Passage: Matthew 20:1-16


3. It's like hidden treasure and fine pearls

18 August 2019

Series: Tell us about the Kingdom! | Speaker: Tom Brown | Passage: Matthew 13:44-46


2. It's like a mustard seed and yeast

11 August 2019

Series: Tell us about the Kingdom! | Speaker: Andy Brewerton | Passage: Matthew 13:31-35


1. It's like a man who went to sow

04 August 2019

Series: Tell us about the Kingdom! | Speaker: Andy Brewerton | Passage: Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-43