Church Bookstall
We think books are a brilliant way to find out more about the Christian faith and be built up in it.
There are loads of helpful resources out there but here are some to get you started!
10 of those
10ofthose exist to support Christian mission through the provision of quality Christian resources. They have a brilliant range of books and will always beat Amazon's price for you!
You can browse and buy online at 10ofthose.com.

At St Thomas' we think that the good news of Jesus is as relevant on Monday as on Sunday and that the gospel connects with every area of our lives — and that means there's no topic you can't talk about here. It's why we're teamed up with our friends at CCEF to provide some booklets that take seriously our struggles and apply gospel-centred help to them. They remind us that, while we all struggle at times, we come to a God who can help, and he connects us to a church family to walk with us as we do.
You can find all their resources at ccef.org.