Our Team
We believe that the church is a family and so every member has a role to play.
However, we also have a dedicated staff team who lead, run things day-to-day to help "prepare God's people for works of service, so that the whole body might be built up" (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Matthew Lawes - Associate Vicar

Matthew is married to Kathryn and they have twins Henry and Benjamin who occupy most of their time.
Matthew loves talking with people about Jesus and what it means to follow him, whether upfront on Sundays, in small groups, on seeker courses, or meeting up to chat one to one.
Joshua Williams - Children, Youth and Families Worker

Hey, my name is Joshua!
I'm the CYF Worker here at St Thomas'. In other words, I think Jesus is totally fab and I want to tell people all about him (especially the kids and youth)!
I love everything active, especially a spontaneous trip wild swimming, or some spike ball in the nearest park.
I'm a pretty big extrovert so I love getting to know all kinds of people, preferably over a good coffee.
And keep an eye out for the car with the obnoxious red bonnet!
That's enough about me - please do come and introduce yourself on a Sunday morning, or any other time, I'd love to get to know you.
As well as the staff team, we have two church wardens and an elected PCC (made up of lay members of the church family) who are entrusted with oversight of the church.
Church wardens:
Simon Langmead and Colin Proudman.
PCC members:
Jo Airey, Alison Bulman, Craig Ferrier, Sue Lamprell, Anne McCormick, Simon McCormick, Lydia Proudman, Jill Sanderson and Lynne Walker.
Deanery Synod Representatives:
Jenny Newman and Jane Proudman.