For Adults
Sunday Services
Every Sunday, 10:00am–11:15am @ St Thomas' Church
The best way to get a feel for St Thomas' is to come to one of our Sunday services.
We meet together every Sunday at 10:00am for a relaxed and informal service. Each service has a focus on learning more about the God of the Bible, His Son Jesus Christ and how his word is so relevant and life-changing in a 21st Century world.
The services includes music, prayer and the reading and teaching of the Bible in a relaxed and informal style, with dedicated groups for babies, children and young people. Whether you're already following Jesus or just wanting to find out more — you'll be very welcome any or every Sunday!
Tuesday Together
Every Tuesday, 9:30am–11:00am during term time @ St Thomas' Church
Tuesday Together is our weekly coffee morning with a chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. For those who would like to, we have a short reflective service that begins at 10:30am.
Please do call in and say hello!
For more details, contact the church office on 01709 589 674 or by email.
Young at Heart
First Monday of each month, 2:45pm–4:15pm @ St Thomas' Church

Young at Heart is a chance to catch up with old friends, make new ones and enjoy some time together over refreshments. It's an afternoon for those who may be "Young at Heart" but who know that they are a bit older in other parts! We'll consider a thought for the day from the Bible, and also there will be time to catch up with friends over a cuppa, and some other activities.
For more details, contact the church office on 01709 589 674 or by email.
Home Groups
Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during term time in different locations.
For those who know Christ and express a desire to attend regularly, our midweek small groups are a vital part of church life at St Thomas'. Part of what we do is to help each other think through more deeply what we learn on Sundays — and then be ready to change as a result.
Smaller groups of church members meet to pray together, encourage each other, share concerns and discuss the previous Sunday's talk, and to apply God's word to their lives. This is the best way of getting to know people in the fellowship, and easier to form strong friendships than on the basis of Sunday services alone.
We have a variety of groups to serve a variety of needs, meeting on Monday afternoons, Wednesday or Thursday evenings, or Friday mornings.
For more details, contact the church office on 01709 589 674 or by email.
Church Family Prayer
First Wednesday (7:30pm–9:00pm) and Friday (9:45am–11:15am) of each month @ St Thomas' Church

On the first Wednesday and Friday of each month, all our small groups come together as we share fellowship and pray. We give thanks for God's work amongst us, and pray to him for the needs of the church, our mission partners, and believers around the world. You're hugely welcome whether you're part of a small group or not!