Our Vision
Our aim is to be a church where people can meet Jesus, discover why he's the best news in the world, and grow as they begin to follow him.
Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
— John 10:10
Many people know very little about Jesus and others have never had opportunity to find out who he is. Before they can get to know or relate to him, they need to have opportunity to meet him.
We are convinced that the place to meet Jesus is in the pages of scripture, particularly the four gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
To help people meet Jesus, we put on a range of events and services, regular programmed activities for adults and children as well as our regular Sunday church meetings.
As Christians, we believe that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are the most significant events in all of history. Our lives now, and our eternal futures, depend on decisions we make about Jesus.
The gospel is the good news that Jesus died for sinners and was then raised to life as God's chosen king. The Bible tells us that believing and trusting in Jesus is the only way to eternal life.
We want to give people the opportunity to look into the claims of Christ, to see why he says sin is our biggest problem and forgiveness our greatest need, and to discover how Jesus' death is God's amazing rescue plan for us. (Click here for a simple summary of the Christian faith.)
When people discover that through Jesus their sins can be forgiven, they realise that the gospel is the best news in the world!
To help with this, we put on small groups like One Life and the 321 course; have services each Sunday where the Bible is explained; offer weekly kids groups and clubs; have a regular supply of booklets; and love reading the Bible 1-to-1 with those who would like to discover more.
Becoming a follower of Jesus is just the start of a wonderful journey. In order to grow as new believers, we want to help each other as we learn to follow Jesus more and more. Peter called some of the first Christian believers to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)
The road of discipleship begins with a decision to follow Jesus and carries on for the rest of our lives. That doesn't make it any more or less important than 'meet' or 'discover', and is the place many of our church family find themselves.
To help each other in this, we encourage every member of the church family to be part of a weekly home group; to make use of personal Bible reading each day; and be involved in some aspect of practical service, such as joining our music group, or serving on a hospitality or welcome team.